Friday, October 24, 2014

A Native American Proverb

An elder Cherokee Native American was teaching his grandchildren about life.  He said to them, “A fight is going on inside me…it is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.  One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.  The other stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.

This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person, too.”

They thought about it for a minute, and then one child asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win, grandfather?”
The old Cherokee replied…”The one you feed.”

A View From the Chair--Opening Lines

Wow it's been an amazingly wonderful, difficult, silly, happy week. As I mentioned in our Student Advisory Board meeting a few weeks ago, I want to start blogging about all that's happening at IUP's Theater+Dance Department, and our two companies, Theater-by-the-Grove and IUP Dance Theater.  I've invited Olivia Norton to also author blog posts here, by virtue of her student leadership position as chair of the Advisory Board.

First off welcome back to Patrick McCreary, who marks his "return to work" this week stepping back into the traces of Technical Director.  He'll be getting things together for next semester's productions, and he'll also be offering support and supervision for the Opera when it moves into Waller later this semester.

I'm inspired by the progress I saw on FAHRENHEIT 451 this week.  The run-through on Thursday night was really solid.  The cast is starting to connect intentions and build character arcs in interesting ways.  The set is coming along on schedule, and we're looking forward to the addition of the library ladder by Monday's rehearsal. 

We miss Cheryl in the Costume Studio of course, and wish her well.  In the meantime, Susan Link who arrived here from Sacremento, CA last Sunday has really moved costumes for FAHRENHEIT 451 forward.  Susan will be here two weeks, and then off to Nepal for another adventure!

April Daras, teaching our Applied Theater class, was just awarded a Reflective Practice "Teaching Circle Mini Grant" to pay actors working in simulations next semester. Our partnership with the Nursing Simulation Center at IUP is really taking off.  Congratulations April!  Students have been telling me how much they are learning in the Applied Theater course and I'm really pleased that we can offer this new dimension to their learning.

This week it was brought to my attention that rooms in Waller are being locked down far more than necessary for building security.  Apparently most of the rooms including the studio theater, conference room, and classroom have been unavailable for rehearsal and meetings as needed.  Of course we still need students to reserve space in the studio and the MPR for deliberate rehearsal work, and that ALWAYS takes precedence over casual use.  But we'll see to it that the spaces are open throughout the day.

Tonight I enjoyed hearing the Opera and Musical Theater Workshop recital.  Nice work all around!  And so much Sondheim...wonder why?  Oh yeah, and auditions for INTO THE WOODS, and SOLDIER'S HEART are right around the corner.  Also applications for Practicum assignments will be sent out.  Make sure to take a few moments to list the assignments you'd like to tackle next semester.  And if you're ready to take a "leading role" backstage, remember that you'll need to submit a letter of application and a resume for it.

This weekend you might make a point of seeing Matt Spencer's Acorn Project production of MOON OVER BUFFALO in the Studio Theater.  I'll be seeing it at Sunday's matinee.  Saturday afternoon at 4:00 there's also a screening of alumna Natalia Kaniasty's film HOME RANGE Downtown at The Indiana Theater.  Natalia created the film and shot it here in Indiana with some local talent for her Film Making degree at NYU. Come check it out.  

So those are some notes about the week that I wanted to share with you.  If you have questions or thoughts come by my office or post a comment on this blog.